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Wallace Cocoa Belt Cooperatives Liberia Milk 45%

Cocoa Origin: Liberia
Producer Country: Canada
Weight: 60 g

Mark Wallace spent years in the remote, rolling jungle hills of northern Liberia. He sources the beans for this bar directly from 5 farms and dedicates it to the strength and resilience of over 30,000 Liberian families now revitalizing the cocoa industry there after years of civil war. And what a befitting testament to their hard work it is! An ultra-soft texture melts into oodles and oodles of creamy butterscotch and honey flavours. There's also a light cashew note and striking resemblance to Portuguese custard tarts and other rich, spiced European pastries.
Regular price $13.31

Wallace Cocoa Belt Cooperatives Liberia Milk 45%

Mark Wallace spent years working overseas with cocoa farmers in the West African jungle – a rare experience that sets him apart in the world of chocolate making. Upon returning to Victoria, Canada, he transitioned his deep knowledge of cacao into crafting fine specialty chocolate, all while maintaining his passion for supporting farmers and their communities. All of Mark's cocoa is directly sourced and transparently traded, with most also being organic, heirloom, and chemical input-free. He conducts thorough background research and due diligence on the labour and environmental practices of each supplier. Additionally, his packaging is compostable and recyclable. Another thing I love about Mark's approach is his dedication to showcasing the best of select cocoa-growing areas, highlighting quality over quantity by focusing on one special, intentional bar that's expressive of each region. He takes pride in expressing the flavours of the cocoa origins and shares detailed, often personal, accounts of the farms and growers.

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Located in the heart of Liberia's cocoa belt, Lofa County lies a considerable distance from the capital, Monrovia. Its northwestern border meets Sierra Leone, while its northeastern edge touches Guinea. The county boasts Mount Wuteve, Liberia's highest peak, situated in its north-central region. The western part of Lofa is characterized by coastal plains that receive abundant rainfall and sunshine, maintaining high humidity levels of 85 to 95 percent. Swampy areas are common along rivers and creeks, interspersed with patches of savannah woodland. Zorzor, one of the largest towns in Lofa, serves as a local hub for agricultural trade, particularly in rice, cassava, sugarcane, palm oil, and palm kernels. The town is home to the Kpelle and Loma ethnic groups and features an American Lutheran church hospital, a leper colony, and a handicrafts workshop. The county still bears the scars of the civil wars of the late 1990s and early 2000s, with bullet holes serving as somber reminders on many buildings.

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