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Omnom Lait de Madagascar 45%

Origine du cacao : Madagascar
Pays producteur : Islande
Poids : 60g

Cette barre associe deux ingrédients distincts : le cacao malgache et le lait islandais. Le premier est très recherché par les chocolatiers du monde entier pour sa forte acidité et ses saveurs vivement fruitées. Ce dernier, bien que tout aussi distinctif, quitte rarement l'île d'Islande et est dégusté par quiconque n'y vit pas ou n'y voyage pas. Il est remarquable de voir à quel point ce chocolat, malgré son fruité prononcé, s'en remet aux saveurs quelque peu acidulées, sucrées mais terreuses, presque semblables à celles du lait de brebis. Très légère, sans amertume ni notes de torréfaction, cette barre au style classique est un incontournable pour tous les amateurs de chocolat au lait.

Prix ​​habituel $12.56

Omnom Lait de Madagascar 45%

In the most unlikely of places, Iceland, almost the furthest one could get from a cacao tree on this planet, Omnom Chocolate has become a global sensation. Founded by childhood friends Kjartan and Óskar, Omnom began its journey in a humble old gas station in Reykjavik. They've nailed all the basics like sourcing directly and highlighting terroir, but what really strikes a chord with me is how they embody the spirit of Iceland. Their bars reflect the creativity, imagination, and entrepreneurship that defines Icelandic culture. Drawing inspiration from fantastical creatures, surrealism, pop art, and contemporary Nordic architecture, every bar feels like a work of art (and, actually, it kind of is!). And it wouldn't be truly Icelandic if it wasn't a little quirky - instead of the usual squares, Omnom's chocolates are crafted into geometrical shards. It's like they're saying, "Hey, we take our chocolate seriously, but we're not afraid to have a little fun with it!" which I think is the right attitude to have.

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Nestled between the Indian Ocean and mountains, Madagascar's Sambirano Valley boasts a hot and humid climate, home to the country's highest point, Maromokotro volcano, surrounded by subhumid forests teeming with wildlife found nowhere else in the world. The region's fertile plains, dotted with rivers, benefit from floods during the rainy season, depositing highly fertile fluvial soil that creates ideal conditions for crops, including cacao. While the Sambirano Valley is known for its variety of subsistence, cash, and industrial crops such as coffee, vanilla, sugarcane, rice, peanuts, and cotton, it has gained renown as one of the world's premier cacao-growing regions. The area's terroirs and microclimates can vary, but consistently result in cacao with bright fruity flavours and high acid, ideal for producing non-bitter bean-to-bar chocolates with minimal or no use of sugar.

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